Saturday, November 12, 2011

Please & Thank You

We teach children to say their Please and Thank You's if they want something. My daughter has caught on to this concept amazingly. She tries saying Please to get anything she wants, from wanting to help cook the fried chicken, to wanting more Halloween candy. But either way, I know when she uses her manners she means what shes saying. Last night she was scheduled to have a sleepover with her Nanny, which she usually loves. But as I was packing her bag & getting her ready I said "Do you want to go have a sleepover with Nanny tonight?" her response "No thank you mommy" It broke my heart. So I reasoned with her(tootsie rolls are the best bribery) and got her in the car, promising that if she didn't want to stay once we got there I would bring her home. Luckily she was happy as could be once we got there, and didn't care one bit when I decided to leave. However Ive learned a new lesson of parenting. Don't ask them if they want to do something if they really don't have a say in the answer. It just leads to a bad situation!

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